At this moment, TaleWorlds is focused on making the PC release of Bannerlord as good as it can possibly be. Unfortunately, the news on that front isn’t good.
In fact, many out there have been trying to figure out when Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is set to come to the PS4 and Xbox One. If you’ve been trying to decide whether to pick up the latest title from TaleWorlds, then you’ve probably got some questions about the game. Less than a day after launching, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord surpassed 200,000 concurrent players, marking it one of the biggest successes on the Steam early access marketplace. Is Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord coming to PS4 and Xbox One? But those looking to enjoy the runaway success of TaleWorlds’ on PS4 or Xbox One are probably wondering if the game will ever make the jump to consoles. To call Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord a monument of early access success would be an understatement.